Veterans Day Weekend 2023
On Veterans Day Weekend, Patriot Point hosted its first duck hunt of the year, welcoming a group from Gold Star Teen Adventures whose objective is to help teenagers struggling with loss become more confident young adults. The group consisted of 17 Gold Star Teens and four program facilitators.
“Most of us cannot begin to understand the unfathomable loss they have experienced in losing one of their parents in service to our country,” Patriot Point Vice President of Operations Hugh Middleton said. “The resilience these young people continue to demonstrate is nothing short of remarkable.”
One of the Gold Stars Teens shared that he remembered his father talking about hunting and how much his father enjoyed it. The teenager never got a chance to hunt with his dad, but after taking part in the retreat and the serenity at Patriot Point, he said “I understand what my dad was talking about.”
“I’m sure you hear this all the time but I want you to know how sincerely I mean this,” the teenager told Patriot Point guest coordinator Joy Middleton. “You all have changed my life this weekend.” And then he asked if Joy could give him a hug, something that Joy was proud to do.
“We are honored to serve and support our military families,” Joy said. “Thank you for your service and sacrifice!”